Section 2 The Story Of Creation - 04 In The Beginning

Question: In reference to the Sefer Yetzirah. When I first started this journey, I received an odd message: three sephers. When I researched into this, I came across a document called the Sefer Yetzirah.

“ The Sefer Yetzirah (Hebrew, Sēpher Yəṣîrâh " Book of Formation," or "Book of Creation," רפס הריצי) is the title of the earliest extant book on Jewish esotericism. The book is traditionally ascribed to the patriarch Abraham, while modern scholars haven't reached consensus on the question of its origins.” 7 According to this document, God created the universe by the three Sepharim (Number, Writing and Speech)

God, I ran across some reading material that said You revealed the secret of the numbers to Abraham. God, what is the “secret”? What do they mean?

God's answer:

It all adds up.

Meaning of the relationships in the sculpture based on the three Sepharim: Writing – Number - Speech

Genesis (writing) – 1 (number) – word “I” (speech)

Genesis is the first book of the Bible. Genesis means "the origin or mode of formation of something."8 This correspondence with the word I. This means God is creator and His creation is a reflection of Him. It also means there is one God who is the creator. Note that the "I" is one letter.

Deuteronomy (writing) – 2 (number) – word “AM” (speech)

The book of Deuteronomy meaning second law. The significance of 2 also means our relationship with one another. The Laws of God is a reflection of who He is (AM). Note that there are two letters in the word AM.

Leviticus (writing) – 3 (number) – word “GOD” (speech)

Leviticus is the 3rd book of the bible, giving instructions to the priests and roles and duties of the laity. The word GOD means this speaks of our relationship with God. The number three also means the relationship of priests, laity and God. Note that there are three letters in the word God.

Meaning: God is stating is that there is order in His creation. There is rationale. Rationale means “set of reasons or a logical basis for a course of action or belief”9. God is not random.

Note: In Chapter 5, Life in Heaven, God mentions the Sefer Yetzirah again

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